Getting Started

This package comes with the starter web site in .zip format. Unzip the package and start editing the pages. You should keep a backup copy of the .zip in case you need to start over.

We have included a basic site structure with common pages that you may use to start with. You may rename the pages, add more pages, and add your content.


  • Multi-page Expression Web® /FrontPage 2003® template.
  • Master DWT pages for 1-column, 2-column, and 3-column page layouts.
  • Includes used for company name, navigation links, and copyright.
  • CSS-positioned page layouts (no tables) and external CSS file.
  • Fixed-width layout centered on screen. Designed for 1024 x 768 and wider.
  • Cross-browser tested: Internet Explorer 6 and 7, and FireFox 2+.
  • Validated XHTML 1.0, CSS, WCAG 1.0, WCAG 2.0, and Section 508 accessible.
  • Legally licensed images.
  • Made in the USA!

Important note for FrontPage Users

This template uses CSS for the layout. Because the FrontPage "design view" is not as sophisticated at displaying CSS properly, the heading fonts or spacing might seem too large or too small. This can be frustrating if you are used to getting a good "preview" of what your site looks like, but you'll find that it is almost just as easy to keep previewing your site in a browser as you make changes. You will still be able to edit your text and add content as you normally would; after you save, go to File > Preview in Browser to view your site in a browser and make sure that it really looks as it should.

Also, occasionally FrontPage's Normal/Design view may "lose" the formatting. When this happens, just press "F5" to refresh the view and the styles will return.

Server Requirements

This template does not require FrontPage extensions.

NOTE: If you want to add FrontPage forms to your site, your web site will need to be published on a server that has FrontPage extensions. Check with your hosting provider to make sure that you can use FrontPage forms on your site.

License Agreement and Copyright

This template is offered in good faith. The purchaser agrees to not hold Long2 Consulting or any its subsidiary companies liable for any loss of revenue, time, or other damages that might be incurred, directly or indirectly, through the use of a "Long2 Consulting Companies" template.

You should carefully read the License Agreement that came in the template package before using this template.
You use of the template indicates your acceptance of the terms of this License Agreement. Long2 Consulting companies grants you the following license.

The copyright for this template and accompanying design remains with the designer, Long2 Consulting. You may not claim ownership of the design, nor may you use it for any purpose other than that explicitly set forth in the separate license agreement.

Unlike some other template developers, we don't charge extra for an unbranded template. You CAN remove the link to Long2 Consulting in the copyright. However, we would appreciate you keeping the link and letting us know the site domain where you used the template. Send us an e-mail when you have your site completed!

If you are developing a site for a customer using this template, you may NOT put Website by @ Yourself, Created by Yourself, or Designed by Yourself. You MAY use Website Developed by Yourself. Do not claim any copyright on the design.

You may use the template graphics in a single application, free from copyright infringement. If the main graphic image is accompanied by a copyright symbol, such as a royalty-free image, this symbol may not be removed from the image.

If the user exchanges the main graphical image or changes the template images or layout, Long2 Consulting does not guarantee the template's performance. Changing images or modifying the layout is at the sole risk to the user. Long2 Consulting does not guarantee the performance of any altered template.

You may not transfer this template to any other user, either group or individual, without the permission of Long2 Consulting.

Image Licensing Information

The images and/or photos in this template page are copyrighted. These images and/or photos may not be copied or downloaded without permission from the licensor.  If you wish to use these images for any purpose other than this template, such as marketing materials, please go to and look for the following image(s).

1.    bigstockphoto__D_Computer_Servers_926463


If you are purchasing this template and intend on using it to build a site for someone else, you must disclose to your client that this template uses images.


Monitor ©Linda Long Photography

Keyboard ©Linda Long Photography

Images used in this template are original photographs by Linda Long. The images and/or photos in this template page are copyrighted. These images and/or photos may not be copied or downloaded without permission from the licensor.

NOTE: The images used in this template can only be used in this template and you cannot extract and use these photos for any other use. All copyrights remain with the original licensor.

Changing the image rotator

The main images are called using a jQuery rotator script called Cycle. First, create your new pictures. They must be 720 pixels wide by 189 pixels tall. Name them pic1.jpg, pic2.jpg, and so forth and put them in the images folder. Say yes to replace the old pictures.
NOTE: You might want to rename the old pictures first and then just insert the new pictures so you have a backup of the old pictures!


Next, add your pictures and change the display speed and effects:

To change the pictures, the display effect, or the speed, open the mainimage.htm page that is in the includes folder. Look for the following code:

<div id="mainpic" class="pics">
<img src="../images/pic1.jpg" />
<img src="../images/pic2.jpg" />
<img src="../images/pic3.jpg" />


<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
     fx: 'fade',
     speed: 2500

The items in red can be changed. You can add as many pictures as you want to the mainpic div and the script will cycle through them. You can change the fx to any of the following options:

  • blindX
  • blindY
  • blindZ
  • cover
  • curtainX
  • curtainY
  • fade
  • fadeZoom
  • growX
  • growY
  • scrollUp
  • scrollDown
  • scrollLeft
  • scrollRight
  • scrollHorz
  • scrollVert
  • shuffle
  • slideX
  • slideY
  • toss
  • turnUp
  • turnDown
  • turnLeft
  • turnRight
  • uncover
  • wipe
  • zoom

Next you may want to choose speed and timeout values to control how fast and how often the slide transitions occur. The speed option defines the number of milliseconds it will take to transition from one slide to the next. The timeout option specifies how many milliseconds will elapse between the start of each transition. Currently the code does not include a timeout option. If you want to add it, your code would look like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
     fx: 'fade',
     speed: 2500,
     timeout:  2000 

Image Rotator Notes

The image rotator uses jQuery (a JavaScript toolkit). This script is furnished under the GPL license which is included with the template. This script is provided AS IS; although we have provided instructions on adding pictures and changing the settings. If you have problems with this script, please visit the jQuery forums at: or for more information on this script, visit 


Source Files Included

  • Design228_ModernHosting_Black.psd

*Note: All source files are licensed for use with this web site template only and may not be used in any other projects, web sites, or applications.

What's needed

Expression Web or FrontPage 2003: This template was designed specifically for the Expression Web and FrontPage 2003 programs. Because the template uses dynamic web template (.dwt) pages, it is NOT compatible with earlier versions of FrontPage.

General Instructions

Make a new web...

  1. Unzip your web package.
  2. Look for the "productname" folder.
  3. Copy this folder to your "My Webs" folder that is located in your My Documents folder.
  4. In FrontPage 2003 or Expression Web, go to File > Open Site and browse to this folder to begin editing your site.

Preview your new web...

  1. Click on any page and go to File > Preview in Browser.
  2. Click on Internet Explorer and click Preview.
  3. A browser window will open with your new web. Preview the pages of the web and decide what pages will be in your web site. You may keep this window open and return to it and refresh to see your changes.

Modify your new web...

  1. Add new pages using the layout pages:
    Open a page that has the layout the way you want it, then go to File/Save As. Save the page under a new name - be sure to change the       page title as well! Then, edit the menus on the include pages (see specific instructions below).
  2. Add new pages using the dwt templates:
    Go to File, New, Create from Dynamic Web Template. Select the dwt template page in the dwt_template folder and click Open. Then, edit the menus on the include pages (see specific instructions below).
  3. Rename existing pages
    If you would like to use an existing page but want to rename it, you may easily do this in Folders View. Right-click on the file name and/or the page title and choose "Rename" to rename your file. Then, edit the menus (see specific instructions below).
  4. Delete pages from your web
    Right click on the pages you wish to delete in your Folder list then click Delete.
  5. Add content:
    See below for more information about editable and non-editable areas.

Before You Publish:

  1. Change the page title on all pages as appropriate.
  2. Preview all pages by going to File > Preview in Browser. It's a good idea to check your site in more than one browser.
  3. Modify the keywords and description meta tags on each page.
  4. Review and reset any form properties so you can receive any form submittals into your email client.
  5. Spell check each page.

Publish your web!

  1. Go to File/Publish Web.
  2. Type in the URL of your web site. For example, If you don't want to overwrite your existing web site but just want to publish it temporarily to preview it, publish it to a subfolder like this:
  3. Type in your user name and password when prompted.
  4. If you are publishing to a new folder, FrontPage may prompt you to "create a new web." Go ahead and click OK.
  5. Then, click Publish. FrontPage will publish your web. When it's done, you'll be able to click to view your published site!

Template Details

Edit the Dynamic Web Template pages

Dynamic Web Template pages can be found within the dwt_templates folder of your web. These pages all have a .dwt extension. DWT pages contain the basic structure for all of the web (.htm) pages. You will find a .dwt for each different page layout included in your template package. If you change a DWT page, all of the web pages based on that DWT will also change. DWT pages have two types of regions: editable and non-editable.

  • Editable Regions: The content in these regions can change from page to page. You simply open your HTML page and add, remove, or modify the content in these regions.
  • Non-Editable Regions: The content in these areas is defined in the DWT page. This content cannot be changed in the HTML page. To change a non-editable region, you need to open the DWT file. Changes to these files will change every page in your site based on that DWT page. In addition, we cannot support a template where you have modified the DWT pages.

Edit the Content (.htm) pages

This template allows you to delete the pages you do not need or to rename existing pages. To edit the existing .htm pages, just delete our sample content. You can then type your own text and add any additional photos. Note that you will not be able to edit the non-editable regions.

If you delete all content from an editable region, it may disappear and be difficult to find. Switch to Code or Split view and look for the following:
<!-- #BeginEditable "content" --><!-- #EndEditable -->

Type some placeholder text between the two tags as follows:
<!-- #BeginEditable "content" --><p>MyContent</p><!-- #EndEditable -->

Switch back to Design view and you will now see the editable region and you can add your content.

Edit the Include pages

Because this template uses several DWT pages for layouts, we use include pages to for items that appear on all pages, but that you will want to edit. This allows you to easily change your links on the appropriate include page, rather than make changes to several DWT pages. Your include page will most likely look like there is no formatting. Just make your changes and save the include page. The correct formatting will appear on the actual HTML page. You will typically find the following include pages in the includes folder:

  • companyname: This page contains the text for the company name. You can also insert a graphic logo or graphic text instead of the text. See the Getting Started page for details on the maximum size graphic you can insert in your template.
  • headerlinks, topnavlinks, sidelinks, bottomlinks: Some templates have multiple navigation link areas. Use which ever links you want. If you don't want to use the links, simply delete the links in the include page. Don't delete the class DIV incase you decide to put the links back.
  • copyright: This pages contains the copyright information for your site.

Navigation links

This template has two sets of navigation links depending on the layout you use. To edit the navigation links, you must update the include files. The links are made up of hard-coded text links.

topnavlinks: The horizontal links below the main graphic area. Limit to about 10 links.

sidelinks: The vertical links on left in the 2 column and 3 column layouts. These have a heading that you can use or remove.

<div class="menuheader1"><a href="#">Main Menu</a></div>  ***To make this into a link change the # to the page link.***
<div class="sidelinks">
<a href="index.htm">Home</a>
<a href="contactus.htm">Contact Us</a>
<a href="store.htm">Our Store</a>
<div class="menuheader2"><a href="store.htm">Our Store</a></div> ***If you don't want two levels for menus, just delete the menuheader divs***
<div class="sidelinks">
<a href="product1.htm">Product 1</a>

<div class="menuheader1"><a href="#">Layouts</a></div>
<div class="sidelinks">
<a href="layout1.htm">Layout 1</a>
<a href="layout2.htm">Layout 2</a>
<a href="layout3.htm">Layout 3</a>

<div class="menuheader1"><a href="#">Template Info</a></div>
<div class="sidelinks">
<a href="typography.htm">Typography</a>
<a href="gettingstarted.htm">Getting Started</a>

In the include page you can do the following:

To delete a link, remove the entire line of code for that link.

To add a link, simply copy one of the existing links and then paste it where you want the new link. Enter the correct page name and title for the link. The page name is the part that has the .htm, for example index.htm is the page name for the page with the title Home. Note: don't change the page name of your home page to anything other than index.htm. This is a standard name for homepages.

NOTE: When you change the navigation structure, it might not be visible until you Publish the site to your web server. Try to use File, Preview in Browser to see your changes, if they don't appear, try publishing the site to a test area on your server.


The News areas don't use any special features. Just use regular paragraph with either news1 or news2 classes applied to the paragraphs for the headers to separate your news items. See the layout3 page code for examples!

Search Engine Meta Tags

This template contains search engine meta tags on each page which you should fill out with the site information so the site is indexed by search engines.



Use headings to separate your content into sections. To apply a heading, place your cursor in the text and select the heading from the styles box that is located to the left of the font box.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Regular text


The footer can be edited in the include page. Modify the footer with your own company information and links.

Cascading Style Sheets

This template uses a layout and styles defined through CSS. You will need to be comfortable with basic CSS if you want to make changes to the styles of this site. To make changes to the layout, you must have at least intermediate CSS skills. Here are some resources to help you with CSS:

Long2 Consulting Services

We do not have the resources to change template images or colors for free on request. We do offer custom design services at reasonable rates for these types of template modifications, please visit our custom page at We do not recommend you attempt to make major changes to this template package.

We offer customer support for our products. If you have a question regarding your template, please send us an e-mail message and we'll quickly get you the answers you need.

We do NOT offer support on how to use FrontPage or Expression Web beyond the instructions given within this template. Please use the following sources to help you learn how to perform web building tasks:

  • Use the FrontPage or Expression Web Help files by pressing F1 in the program. They contain information on how to perform most of the tasks available within FrontPage  or Expression Web.
  • Buy a book on your FrontPage or Expression Web version, we highly suggest Microsoft's Inside/Out Books, available through most bookstores.
  • Join a FrontPage or Expression Web users group such as the one found at